Fistful of Love

Word Count → 315

The Siamese coated woman returned Jiva’s grin with one of her own, fascination still burning brightly in her eyes as they turned back to the paper she had drawn a faint arc on. She imagined herself writing words in a few more lessons, or perhaps drawing the things around her if she really practiced. The idea thrilled and excited her as she had nothing but time on her hands now as she made her recovery.

A knowing smile replaced her grin as Jiva demonstrated how she should draw circles. She nodded her head and fully trusted the male sitting so closely beside her. Over the past few days, he had been doing things with her to cause Drin to move about and not stay so sedentary. Movement and exercise would help ease the pain in the long run. She nodded and lightly bit down on her lip as she tried at first to draw circles in the air like he had before putting the pen to paper. Her wrist throbbed with usage, but it wasn’t enough to make her stop, only slightly grimace once she made a full go around.

Satisfied with her aerial “O”, she put the pen tip to the paper again and this time applied a little more pressure than last to draw a shaky circle. It wasn’t perfect, but she was able to line up the beginning and end as she moved her head a little closer to the parchment. Drin lifted the pen and attempted a few more circles next to the big one and within it. On her fourth go about she paused with a sharp intake of breath and put down the pen on the paper. I’ll give it a rest for a few seconds, she said as she took her bandaged wrist in her left to gently push on the wrapped appendage.

Table credit goes to Raze! <3.

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