a little bit of earth
OOC: Okay! :3 / +683

A wind chime. Even the name of the object was pretty. It was always nice to think the humans weren't all bad. Maybe, they were just like Luperci these days. There must have been a time when they lived in peace but as the years flew by they grew smarter and stronger. Eventually, they became corrupted like Drosnav and the others and turned on their own kind. She shook her head at the thought, what horrible wolves. If she ever came in contact with them, she'd be ready to give them a piece of her mind. She could only hope that her parents and Rowan are doing well, untouched by the chaotic wolf's insanity. The silver woman turned back to Palaydrian as she nodded in agreement about the humans. Her eyes panned from left to right looking at all the human objects again. Still, most of them were strange and probably dangerous. It is strange isn't it? My grandparents, and their grandparents, passed down stories about the humans. How they'd always intrude on pack territory and often would kill our family. But, now that they're gone the world seems quiet in a sense.

The Siamese wolf left her side and Fayne's eyes followed her to the rock she chose to sit on top of. She motioned for Fayne to come sit and she did, jumping up gracefully and coming to sit with her tail wrapped around her feet like a feline. She could see over the whole garden from up here along with all the creatures that flew around it, visiting each flower. It brought a smile to her dark lips, flowers were extraordinary things and she loved them. They rarely bloomed up north, she was glad she could see them every day here in New Dawn. Her ear shifted to listen to Palaydrian while she looked over the garden. When she finished, Fayne turned to smile at her pack sister. Yes, Tharin was a great listener. He also dealt with my tears soaking the front of his coat. I know he thinks they're strange occurrence." She chuckled. Tharin was a patient soul. Anyways, I'm glad I could be the one to hear it.

The stormy female settled down, understanding eyes waiting for the story to be told. If she cried, Fayne would be here to wipe away the tears. Palaydrian shook her head and Fayne leaned in to nuzzle her shoulder. You couldn't have known. I would have done the same thing. Emerald eyes narrowed as she told the story. The picture of a large luperci with his lips drawn back in a snarl. Saliva dripped from his maw in an unattractive fashion. His clawed hands raised and ready to mar the beautiful female. Her vision was much like the big bad wolf, though it's probably not how it happened at all. A sympathetic whine escaped Fayne's throat. She knew just how scary it was to be pinned down helplessly not knowing if she'd even make it out alive. The feelings of helplessness, frustration, and the overwhelming fear that seemed to freeze your in you tracks. A shiver ran down her spine as well, it was the most frightening thing she'd ever been through and she could most likely say the same for Palaydrian.

Well just know that you're safe now. All of your pack is here to protect you and that bastard won't step a foot onto pack lands without being shred to pieces. Surprisingly, to her dismay, it wasn't Amy who had done this. At least if it had been Amy, they would have only one person to blame for these mishaps. But now, they had to watch out for two vile Luperci. One thing we can do for ourselves, is learn how to fight. That way if we ever run into them again, we will be able to fight back. I remember I told Amy the next time I saw her, I would rip her to shreds. I will hold that promise.

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