Tell ya a little story
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As soon as Hanna heard her nephew's summons, she got up and began gathering the things she could think of she might need and stuffing them into her bag. She was in the infirmary already, so that saved her a little time. The slight note of... not desperation, but a request for her to hurry, made her more assured in her movements. More precise. She gathered needles, antibiotic pads, sterile gauze, and--she glanced around--her needle and horsehair thread, as well as the various packets of herbals that were strewn about the counter. She made yet another mental note to have someone who could write either label them for her or teach her to do so herself.

Rushing out the door, she followed her nose to the place where Haku and the stranger were, expecting the worst. She was a bit surprised to see that the grey male had roused somewhat. He didn't look in too bad a condition, though in the failing light she could see a large gash in the man's chest. He didn't seem to be a youngling, nor did he seem old. He was probably around the female's age. She stepped in the building just as the stranger introduced himself. Grayson. Fitting name for the gunmetal pelted one. Her nephew introduced himself and asked if Grayson was feeling better. She intercepted the impending answer. Wait to answer him till I'm finished with you. She crossed to the man's side. I'm Susquehanna, Hanna for short. I'm the pack's medic. What's going on? Her mismatched eyes traveled from one man to the other, not caring who answered as long as answers were given. ... bottom.gif); background-repeat: no-repeat; width: 400px; height: 27px;"> 


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