under cover
Went for Kol since she appeared to be the only one not being attacked, harr.

He followed the summons, but arrived late. What an inopportune time to attack; he was late, late for a fight, and missing all the action. He ran, shifting into his Secui form as he moved, cursing loudly as pain shot through his legs and back. He probably should have stopped and waited before shifting. He probably should have paused to catch his breath. But he couldn't stop- he felt so alive, the surge of blood in his veins, and the prickle where he landed awkwardly, causing one of his bones to break his skin before moving into its new position. He could feel himself breathing, living, running.

And he would use this to to kill them. Break the wolves and tear them apart.

He didn't stop when he saw the chaos; he simply kept running, throwing himself right into the centre of the action. He heard the sound of an arrow zip through the air, chuckling quietly. He dodged around the already engaged wolves and coyotes, aiming for a dark, black wolf with violet eyes the colour of innocence. He would rip them out and devour them, savouring the meal as she screamed.

He attacked from the side, using the bodies of another wolf and coyote as cover, turning sharply and then launching himself at the female. He attacked from the side, propelling himself forward using the momentum he had built up from running, aiming to grasp her neck between his teeth and her eyes and back with his claws.

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