There goes my fare thee well
I am stealing your thread, weee.[html]

Traveling wasn’t really that hard. Sirius had made it seem impossible but now Apollo knew the truth. Sure, it took a long time and some parts of the journey were a bit frightening, but Apollo didn’t see what the big deal was. Sirius could shut up and stop bragging about he had gone all the way to Shadowed Sun by himself.

He had found the border, but didn’t care much about venturing in. The smell of his father was thick along the lines of trees, and it made him sick to his stomach. Pilot wasn’t his father, not really. Weren’t your parents supposed to raise you? He had hardly done that. Apollo didn’t even have a mother. All he had was himself. Sirius, maybe (but he didn’t even know that Sirius was only a half brother to him). He didn’t belong in Twilight Vale. He didn’t belong in Shadowed Sun. The youth was confused and felt alone. Maybe he would leave when he was old enough to fend for himself. Maybe he would make his parents sorry for not raising him and loving him as they should have.


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