au claire de la lune

Hati apologized for waking him, and Skoll grinned warmly at him with a little shrug to show that he didn’t care. Ce n’est pas grave,” he responded. He wasn’t a cranky child or elder who needed a ton of sleep, anyway; his growing body enjoyed its resting and lazing about, but it was full of energy from the moment he opened his eyes. He wondered if he’d keep waking up now that he knew his dark brother was coming out here, but for once he didn’t really like the thought of following him each time. Part of him recognized that this was an independent and individual moment for Hati, and that part knew not to ruin something like this for more than this one occasion. Of course, that same part would be dormant later, but he would be considerate while he still remembered to.

The moon chaser burst out his feelings about a nighttime exploration, and the grin came to the paler prince’s lips, still warm but also a tinge mocking. He still wondered why his siblings weren’t as adventurous as he was; he had the lion’s share of bravery and ambition. His journey with Terra had been one such example—but it was for the best that Hati took baby steps. What was one little trip in the star-changed Kingdom tonight could be a grand expedition between brothers in a few months.

The dark shape slipped down the rock to land softly beside him, and Skoll considered the question with a wag of his tail. He turned his bright green eyes on the noctilucent world around them then jolted forward with a bark. “This way!” he proclaimed as if this were a well-thought-out decision rather than impulse. He jumped through the field, although shortly he slowed his pace and hoisted his yellow tail high so that Hati wouldn’t get lost or fall behind. He rooted through the grass, breathy laughs escaping him as crickets hopped over his paws and chirped right by his ears.

When he reached the edge of the field, the forest provided a barrier of trees—almost like a portal from the open meadow to the darkness beyond. He looked over his shoulder with a challenging grin, but his ears fell down a notch, and his arrogance was almost as blustering as Hati’s excitement. He wasn’t quite afraid but who knew how the woods changed in this alien darkness?

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