Fistful of Love

Word Count → 520

The Siamese woman’s thoughts drifted back to her day with Zeitgeist as her left hand tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear and she automatically drew her own replicas of Jiva’s letters as he went through the rest of the alphabet. She’d originally been so frustrated and upset when she left New Dawn that day. Seeing Jiva with another woman while her feelings for him were still so fresh and developing. She’d felt like she had been cheated out of something that she could be, or thankfully...seemed to be in the makings. But on that particular day when she had seen her two pack brothers with a beautiful coywolf, her fragile heart had accumulated a few more cracks and she wasn’t about to stick around.

Drin left and headed into the northern territories to do a bit of exploring and soul searching when she happened upon the traveling dog. Their meeting had been pleasant, much like the sheltered girl she was, Drin had been immediately been drawn to Z for all of his differences. She wanted to learn everything he had been willing to teach, but what was supposed to be friendly map lesson, turned into something else when Z had tried to kiss her. The entire time he had been flirting with her and she had been responding to his words with flattered embarrassment. Though her heart and mind were conflicted with thoughts of Jiva, she had felt bad for seemingly leading the Italian dog on and eventually shared her first kiss with him.

It had been a mistake, but a part of her had enjoyed it and could’ve stayed with him the rest of the day if it weren’t for the lingering hope of finding something good with her pack brother instead. She tried explaining this to Z, but he didn’t want to hear it. His feelings already hurt and his intentions made...but he remained a gentleman through it all. Wanting nothing more than just one night with her, but she couldn’t give him that. Had grown flustered and embarrassed with the idea and sadly bid him goodbye for fear of what would come if she stayed. She wanted her first time to mean something and to be with someone she could spend the rest of her life with...not a handsome stranger that wanted one night!

And she had made the right choice. Now she was sure of it. She had returned to New Dawn that same night and things with Jiva just began to lift off and soar. Now the woman could not have been any happier, sitting side by side with a man she knew she could easily spend the rest of her days with, with a man she wanted more than anything in the world. Jiva...I kissed someone...she blurted out ,after she had written a lowercase “Z”. If this was going to go any further, she needed to know what had happened with the coywolf. He needed to know what had happened with her that day. She wanted no secrets between them.

Table credit goes to Raze! <3.

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