breathing slowly.


less is by nat.

As they walked twigs and other forest debris crackled underfoot, the pair not really needing to conceal their movements or scent this far into pack territory. As they walked the musky scent of the bear all but dissipated, the much more potent and favorable smell of deer permeating the area. The bear scent could be masked underneath, and the mind of the predator was sometimes fooled into thinking about food instead of what could be lurking in the thistle forest. Her oversize ears flicked to the man beside her as she smiled, enjoying hearing about the finer points of his area of Norse Religion. She had left such a long time ago it was refreshing to hear more about the thing she loved most. Maybe one day she would return to Norway with her children - if she had any, to show them what their culture and family was like.

Idly she wondered while keeping Reykr's company, how her children would look like. It really depended on the father, she supposed. The dark woman smiled, eyes growing soft. She would bleach and chalk their faces and hands just as she did to herself, it would be so cute to watch little skeletons run around and become hardened warriors. Some mini-warriors for Salsola. This might not be the best place to raise them, but for skill learning there was no better place. They would learn the darker side of things, and not be blinded by childish innocence. Alessandra nodded to herself, this was how she wanted things done. This is how things would be done. When she was ready she would find a suitable male or even possibly mate, and go from there. The last might be a problem, she was a picky female and not just anybody would do. She supposed when she found him she would.

Alessandra listened to him and turned her face towards him, smiling. " I am afraid not. I came following my younger sister, a foolish thing. I didn't have a chance to find her before I heard the whispers of the thistle kingdom. Once I found out more about it, I came here. Now I know no other pack would hold someone such as myself. I think much of them think I am something akin to being a bump in the night, something they wish not to see among their ranks. " She replied, shrugging herself. It wouldn't be a surprise if someone like her was the villain in stories meant to frighten young pups into staying in their dens. Who knew what lurked in the shadows of the forest past the safety of the den... Maybe something like her.

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