What is this?

http://i144.photobucket.com/albums/r173 ... header.jpg); background-attach:top center; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-color:#162022;">

sharksThe more time he spent in the area, the more his plans seemed to erode away. At some point along the way, before he had made it all the way over the mountain, he had had a clear idea of what he had planned to do, who he had planned to speak to, how everything was supposed to unravel. But the reality of things did not fit anything he had expected and subsequently, everything fell apart. He had been naive to have not thought about war. From the information he'd gathered so far, it almost seemed like they were trying to test his resolve. How long would he put off going back to Inferni? His niece had been kidnapped. He had a fresh litter of nieces and nephews that might also be in danger. His family was all out for blood, and their blood was on the want list as well. Could he really stand by idly even if he didn't really believe in the origins of the conflict? At the end of the day, beyond all the disillusionment and disappointments, they were still his family.

sharksThe cloaked, young coyote was wandering rather aimlessly today, trying to clear his mind. He was tired of thinking about Inferni and Dahlia de Mai, of thinking about two had been the two coyotes that had been killed in the most recent scuffle, of thinking about the idea that Talitha was probably being tortured. Ignoring it didn't make it go away, but this was more stress than he was used to. The real world was much crueler than he could have thought. Instead, he tried to think about his sister, wherever she was, and his father, if he was even still alive. No one had said a word about them, so he could only assume that Clouded Tears had dissolved with the rest of the packs. Oh, even the other half of his family was depressing to think about.

sharksHe migrated towards the lake, worn from a day's worth of doing nothing. The area he approached seemed to already be occupied, but though the usually lonely boy wasn't sure he wanted company, he was too tired to change course. Oh, hello, he greeted simply, sitting down a short distance from the much older male. Arkham stiffened a little when he saw the long knife and eyed the stranger wearily through the opening of his cloth mask. He really didn't want to deal with trouble today.


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