Starlight in the mid of day

So sorry for the delay!

It all made so much sense, incase the pack, her family, needed them when the land could no longer provide for them. Anu grew slightly disappointed in the earth that she had been so dependent on, the ground that had given her life for so many years. It was what she worshiped, if asked to claim a deity. But it was a hard and unforgiving god, one that taught more lessons that she believed a beast needed. She was glad that Iskata knew all about the reliance that they had in the earth, and that at times it just could not grant them enough to survive.

The female brought blue eyes to the large bull that laid outside of the main group of cattle. Large horns sat on his broad head, sharper and more deadly then any hoofed animal Anu had ever encountered. Though the rack of a large elk was impressive, they did not hold the deadly spears that the large bull held. He played the part of shepherd, and Anu was happy she was no longer tempted challenge his position.

Iskata spoke again, her voice was soft but filled with determination and held a hard undertone. It was the acquired tone of experience, and at times Anu held the same voice, though rarely. It was the type that did not demand respect, but asked so kindly that one gave it heartedly almost instinctively. Anu grew more and more at ease and confident with her as the Matriarch.

Her head nodded slightly when she commented on Hel, and it was the first time that Anu looked passed her bright eyes and smile to see the scars that lined her features. Any beast with a bit of age held the badge of battle, Anu almost felt the large scar that painted the outside of her thigh burn at the memory.

With all the talk of roles, Anu was unsure where she would fit in this new family. She wanted to have grand skill that would benefit this pack, but she just weren’t sure what they were yet. Slightly pressured to be able to give Iskata something that would impress and help everyone, her words were lost for a moment.

“I hope that I will be able to contribute too, help where I can.” She wanted badly to be there for her packmates, but just didn’t know how she could. “This land seems so new, as if many packs have just begun to form.” She wandered aloud, hoping that Iskata would now more then she did.


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