on the sidelines
[html]so sorry for the wait!

The midnight hued wolf sat on the deep ink well stallion in just an instant. He looked small on the wide back of the horse, his stature nothing like the Marshals’. Alder had always imagined that he looked a bit large for the horse, but now seeing another on his precious steed he was not sure. Perhaps he seemed just the right size to those that looked at him upon the Shire.

Hati looked to him with a deep sense of unease, unsure about what to do next. The Marshal found his nature so very similar to his own that it was easy to be around him. His golden brother was a bit more difficult. Skoll was a nature leader and it was obvious that he was fully comfortable under the Marshal’s advice. It was simply that nature of the wolf, they were meant to lead or follow. Skoll had never been anything but respectful to the older male, but there was an instinctual balance that Alder could feel that their ranks pushed against.

With Hati the roles of teacher and student were as natural as the deep indigo pelt and the black mask that either wore.

Hold still. He handed the reins to the Hati and then stood beside the pair, placing his hands on the back of the horse. In a moment he sat on the Shire’s back, an experienced swing of his leg and worked muscles doing so naturally. He sat behind the male, taking in the different position further back atop Hawthorn. Black hands reached around the younger male, to take back the reins that he had wordlessly asked him to hold onto. Ready? He questioned. Not giving much of a chance for the other male to respond Alder tapped on the horse’s side to get him to move forward.


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