Fistful of Love

Word Count → 430

So far so good. He hadn’t reacted angrily and the golden fae supposed that was a very good sign. Though the bruising in her face was at an all time high, a little pigment of red filtered into her cheeks as she began to tell Jiva the truth. The day that woman from Inferni came...I felt..well I was jealous, she breathed out in a huff before hurrying to continue on. We barely knew each other, but I had the best day with you when I came to New Dawn and I guess a part of me got carried away with thoughts of being courted by I am now. She hoped that wasn’t too forward. Parts of their night in the town were hazy, but she remembered the man’s song and what he had proclaimed. I didn’t want to stick around to see if anything was going to happen between you I left for a few days. And on my journey home I ran into a traveler named...Zeitgeist.

It felt weird telling the man she loved about another canine, but the more she spoke, the more she felt a weight being lifted off her chest. We spent the day exchanging stories, but then he asked my conflicted heart more than it could give and...I suppose out of feeling sorry for supposedly leading him on and perhaps a part of me wanted it to...I kissed him. If only there was a better way to explain it. She felt as if she betrayed him somehow though at the time neither belonged to one another. It was only a kiss and I knew it wasn’t entirely I left before anything could happen. Jiva didn’t need to know that Z had told her he had wanted her, even if it was only for one night. He also didn’t need to know how aroused the dog had become from one simple kiss. All things made the wolfess blush terribly so and in that moment she knew she could never be someone’s one night stand.

I know it’s silly...but when I kissed him, even though I was upset about the coywolf...I could only think of you. There the confession was out. He could take it as he wanted to, she just hoped he wouldn’t be angry with her and he’s still want to court her. Her downcast eyes stared at the paper as she waited for his response.

Table credit goes to Raze! <3.

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