deep in the town of Chewandswallow

So sorry for the delay!

More weapons, more fighting and more danger. Though Anu was being the threatening one she still had no weapon and was not very threatening over all. But she was angry, and she guessed that she faced told him so. She grew even more angry that he called her a lady, and not in that nice polite way but as if she was an old hag.

How could he not know? Anu straitened out her back, looking at the thing he held in his hands, wondering if he would really use it on her. Why was everyone carrying around here? The questions built in her brain, until she couldn’t stand it.

She took a few steps towards the tree and brushed the dead foliage from the bucket, examining the contraption that he had placed on the tree. It looked as if he was trying to pierce the core of its trunk. She turned to face him again, “Why are you doing this?” she asked pointing to the bucket. Her voice was much more calm and controlled.

He could kill her, with the weapon in his hands, but she didn’t believe he would. He looked as frightened, but determined as she was.


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