Fistful of Love
Word Count :: 386 OOC: She spills her guts but he doesn't his.... what a guy!! HAHAHA but then he has nothing to really confess lol.

Jiva did not say a word he did not interupt her, he listened to her words, taken aback as well as shocked and awed that she thought of him as she did. The silence was long, he wanted to say the right things, especially since she mentioned Emmanuelle in the whole mix. She was jealous... and she thought of them as courting each other. He didn’t know it had gone that far, he knew they kissed and were quite close when they had been drunk but he didn’t know that was the way she felt about him. At last he spoke. He was not angry and had no right to be angry.

“There is nothing you should feel bad about Drin... you do have rights to any male you want, I am merely.... a hopeful.”

He smiled. He knew he had no exclusive rights to her, not yet and he couldn’t forsake her when he was going after another at the time. He was not regretting her though he wondered from time to time what things would have been like if she were to be in Drin’s place right now, although not beaten and battered as Drin was now. He didn’t even wish beyond his dreams Drin looked like she did now and though he could wish all he wanted it was already there and happened.

“I think... all that matters is what happens from now on. The past is the past. I can’t say I wasn’t tempted to try to be with Emma.... I did go to see her a few days later.... she … well I said things that offended her and our customs are far too different to be anything.”

He said. He hadn’t told Palaydrian what happened with Emma and it was not one he thought she needed to know. He had spoken with Zalen about it and nudge him Palaydrian’s way. He knew nothing happened between him and Emma that Palaydrian needed to know. He didn’t kiss her, he didn’t mate with her, she just made him extremely uncomfortable and the less anyone knew of her actions the better off things were. She had whatever right to wear her dead enemy on her person. He wasn’t going to spread it all over.


Image courtesy of Ed Gaillard

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