Fistful of Love

Word Count → 367

The only male I want is you...she said allowing this new realization for Jiva to sink in. He had to know by now that her bi colored eyes were only for him. Her mind had been clouded with thoughts of jealousy weeks ago, but now that she had put those foolish feelings to rest, she knew she only wanted to be with him. She didn’t know what happened with him and the coywolf, and maybe would never know the full details as he explained things with her just didn’t work out. A part of her couldn’t help but feel her little confidence take a blow as she learned she was probably Jiva’s second choice, but Drin had always been a humble woman, and would take whatever she could get if it meant spending her days with handsome man.

I’d be lying if I said I was sorry things didn’t work out with her...but I can say that I’m not sorry for kissing you in the house, she said with a slight smile. The Siamese woman had accepted the fact that she would have to be the one to broach the subject of their boozy night out together, if Jiva was embarrassed, she’d find out soon enough. If I could’ve taken back my first kiss with Z...I wish I could’ve shared it with you, she explained. But the sparks I felt when our lips met, well nothing could compare to that moment...and I guess what I’m trying to say is, I meant every word that night. She breathed out a relieved breath.

Memories of their night together in the broken down house were ones she wanted to hold on to, even the embarrassing ones. Lying upon his chest in the moonlight and allowing her heart to bleed out loud, it had felt like a whole new awakening in her with the help of wine, but it had loosened her lips and allowed herself to knock down the last remaining walls she had built up around herself. Now that door had been opened and she’d walk through, would the red furred wolfdog follow suit?

Table credit goes to Raze! <3.

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