Wake Up Call

Word Count :: 752 OOC: My bad. Sorry. X3 Let us continue and I promise to be more patient. Ha.

The grizzly white and black Epsilon came to stand over her and she remained curled tightly into a messy ball of fur, eyes darting wildly about searching for Amy. He did the same but didn't seem to be alarmed which calmed her some. The warm moist feeling of a tongue came to lick away the tears which would simply return seconds later, the sniffles and hiccups accompanying the tears. Even so, him being here was one step up from her being alone and she could feel her heart start to slow in her chest though the adrenaline was still coursing from the run back to New Dawn. A few moments later something alerted Augustus and Fayne nearly had a heart attack thinking Amy had come and another shriek escaped her sore throat. Though, the epsilon stood still and calmed, Fayne soon cracking open an eye to see that Zalen had come. She nearly lunged forward to grasp him awkwardly for safety but restrained herself. Instead, she fell forward on four arms and leaned towards him for a moment before sinking back into the ground and grasping her chest as her heart jumped around in her rib cage.

Seeing Zalen was a great relief, with the Alpha here she was truly safe. Nobody would get through the rock solid ember Alpha. He stood before them with his chest puffed out standing tall to intimidate any intruders, a snarl present on his dark lips. Fayne took a breath though still she was unable to calm herself, her breaths fast and strained, hackles still raised, and tail tucked tightly underneath her. Her eyes searched the border for Amy who she thought had been following her. Zalen asked the obvious question of who had done this and the silver fae lowered her head, a snarl forming on her maw. That bitch had done this, Amy had done this for the second time. She was almost hesitant to respond. For the second time she'd been caught off guard by the blond mutt and she was truly ashamed of that. How could someone be so stupid as to not learn the lesson the first time? Fayne gulped and finally got the words out though her voice was shaky with an undertone of frustration.

The monster. A-Amy...I saw her today. She was teaching a puppy a lesson. She had been the subject, easily pinned down and controlled by fear for her life. The tears flowed yet again. She was ashamed that she couldn't fight her, couldn't save the puppy that was in her possession. She already had a hunch to who the puppy belonged to but had never spoken to the mother herself. A couple moments later, a familiar and loved scent filled her nostrils as she inhaled deeply. Noah. Her eyes searched for him, pleaded for him to be there and a few seconds later he was. He burst from the forest and came to her side, his arms embraced her and she fell into him clinging to his chest tightly. The tears flowed more freely than before unable to hold herself together in his presence. She was truly safe when he was here. The sobs continued as she was surrounded by her pack mates. She was safe now and nothing to worry about.

He neck ached and still bled freshly and her bruises were tender and sore, but she was in the arms of her protector now. She finally replied to him, voice wavering from the constant sobs. I'm so h-happy you're here. No other face could soothe her the way his could. He was the person she needed to see right now and he was here. Her face remained pressed against his chest, the tears soaking his silver coat. A couple minutes later, she was able to calm herself enough to face her family. She turned her head to look at Zalen, the fear was still evident on her expression and her posture even though she knew she was safe. She could no longer smell Amy, only the calming scents of her Alpha, her family, and her mate. Her maw stayed shut for there was nothing to say. They all knew that Amy needed to be stopped once and for all. That time would come, eventually and until then they would have to be on guard. She had learned her lesson. This was the last time Amy would run into her and push her aside like trash.

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