Poisonous Gifts
<style>@import url(http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Italianno);</style>Rio Marino
Word Count :: 305 || Points: 3 I decided on a favor (I read Amy's shop), since Rio didnt really get much time to prepare O.o

Rio had been scouting the borders at the right time, even though scouting wasn’t her duty. As the doggish howl rang through the air, Rio’s eyes lifted to the sky. It was the woman who she was supposed to buy the horse from. She wasted no time in taking off toward the woman, having nothing on her. It didn’t take her long, as she wasn’t far away from the howl’s origination.

When she arrived, she arrived empty handed, and approached the female. ”Hello, I’m Rio.” She dipped her head in respect to the female for coming all this way. ”I wasn’t sure what you wanted for payment, but I heard you do take favors as payment – I am in your debt for whatever you may need, big or small.” She was extremely grateful for the horse, and really would do anything for the girl, since she was ignorant of trading rules. She never traded for anything, and usually found what she needed on her own. Though, she had no idea where she would find a horse.

Rio moved over to the beautiful black and white painted mare, and stroked her broad nose lightly. The horse remained calm to her touch and indifferent when Rio retreated to her original spot on the ground. She seemed to have a good temperament already. ”Well, do you have anything in mind?” She wasn’t meaning to rush the woman, but she was eager to know what task lay at hand for her. “Just so that I can get to it?” The black woman wasn’t capable of much, but then again she wasn’t often tested for capabilities. Hopefully, the trader woman would put her to the test and let even Rio see what she could do. Just to have in her knowledge, just in case it came up in later situations.

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Code by Kitty !

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