Yürf Rendenmein

She was large but she was swift, her paws making little sound on the soft forest floor. They had made this pack their home and Naniko had explored every inch of the lands within a week or moving in. She was glad to say that she knew where she was, and that she knew exactly where to go. She started toward a complex of small caves that lay to the Western side of the lake, legs pumping.

She'd read somewhere that exercising was good for pregnant human women...so surely it applies for wolves as well. As long as she ate enough to replenish her energy later on, she would be fine. Naniko was mostly worried about tripping and falling, like she had the last time. She didn't want anything to happen to these babies.

Panting, the white one looked back behind herself, slowing down a little as she reached the caves. She ducked inside one, sitting near the entrance and watching for a sign of Anu.


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