What's up with that hippie hat
Word Count :: 332Hey there, hope you don't mind a Grace :3

Running her hands over coloured dreads, the golden women gathered them up and efficiently tied the matted hair away from her face with a long leather strip, relief filling her as both the weight and irritation of her hair against her form was instantly reduced. As interesting as the dreads looked along with their lesser maintenance, there were days she honestly contemplated cutting it all off and returning to more normal styles seen on females of the lands; but stubborn as she was, she refused to conform to what others did and took pride in her own unique attitude and hairstyle, even if it done her head in every now and then.

Twisting and turning she leant in towards the shattered mirror mounted proudly upon the wall adjourning the door to the hill-house she had claimed as her own, which conveniently happened to be particularly close to a certain someone house by chance. As she checked herself out in the mirror she pulled a few faces before stepping away and brushing down the fur along her arms, golden tail swaying cheerfully behind her as she emerged from her new sanctuary to nosy around the strange little town the pack lived within.

Breathing in both scents and sights, the woman sought out any familiar faces, too prideful to directly go and knock upon the door of a certain canines house as much as she strangely missed his company. It infuriated her more that she was so interested in another despite their scarce meetings, his kindness had left her curious to know more.

Wandering around the lumps of green and heavy foliage the sounds of another’s voice, unknown to her, broke through the air. Ocean eyes focusing as her head swivelled in the direction the voice had come from, feet propelling her forward to investigate and learn more of her new pack members. “Hello?” she called out tentatively, her expression completely neutral for now until she knew whom it was she was dealing with.

Photo courtesy of kookr

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