
Current Objective:Waiting to discuss things. ---
Mood: Calm-----

We all wear masks, and the time comes when we cannot remove them without removing some of our own skin.” Andre Berthiaume

He was profoundly different from her, that much he had known for a long time. She was a being of action, one that was instilled with keeping order. He on the other had was someone who watched, waited. Planned A being of logic who created and manipulated discord to his advantages. To put it short, they were as different as two people speaking alien langauges, one would eventually come to understand some of what the other said through time. Though complete understanding was still lost. So thats why he thought that there was an easy comprimise, there was another way that they could both talk. An intermediary langauge that had become their playtime.

The moment he moved for her he saw that instant change, the move from the warm caring female into the cold heartless...well. Spoilers.

Her attack came instinctively, just as his words came as instinct to him. Her defense was keyed to kill, go for the throat, sever the arteries within, he would manage to dodge to the side by shifting his weight, but only due to the hesitance that came from her seconds later. Her killing came to her as easily as his words of venom came to him, that was their link, this was their langauge, now he would show her his. He would recover from his dodge, his eyes shfting from the disguise of lazy into those that were focused, sharp, clear. Watching her every moving, taking in every single gesture, monitoring her breathing. Plotting out how to best next move.

His eyes would shift to the sky, a trick distraction. If she had indeed been watching his eyes carefully, then the swift movement to the sky might indicate something interesting, or important there, in reality though this was a mild disguise for his true objective. His paw would quickly kick up dirt to creating a masking cloud in the face of the curious one. Regardless of how she moved, dodged or defended, he would swiftly move around the cloud, taking advantage of his current form to attempt a side assault, attempting to use the weight of her form against her when pressured with his momentum.

Actions: Dust toss, attempting side assault.



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