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The moment was fleeting, but did not go unseen. The movement had been done, come and gone, with a curled hand still extended; a remnant of the intentions of a violent attack. But there was little time to be shameful, what with her eyes again attracted to the moments of her companion. Anticipating her steely grip would follow through, he did well to dodge but it was a wasted effort. Her empty claws curled around air as control forced her air to retract by her side, but instinct demanded her eyes remain on him. The subtle twitch of muscle beneath fur, the balanced height of his tail, she watched all that called for moment… and then she was drawn to his eyes.

Above circled the companion owls surveying the earthbound creatures below. The trivial scraps between the lupine breed was beneath them that could simply gain height by powerful wings to avoid the gnash and scrape of claws and fangs. So they watched what transpired with indifferent eyes, simply waiting for their perch to be still again to be claimed.

The direction of his eyes pulled her own toward the occupied sky, expecting the intrusion of her companions in the middle of their play. But there was only sky… then a cloud of dust and grit invaded her eyes. A dirty trick, but never the less an effective one that earned an enraged snarl from the recoiling female. And as her form curled, it was made to double over as sheer force charged into her to knock her off balance. The smarting in her side was ignored, for an Exultare was implored to forgo pain in the midst of a fight. It was a luxury for the weak, an ailment to be tended when the fight was over. But the force was felt and in turn used against him. She turned into him as a limb collapsed beneath her forcing her down to his level. There was no hesitation as one arm made to spear into his neck to grasp and hold him down by it…

Attack: Grabs for his neck

Defense: none

Injury Bruised side

349 words.


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