A New Place of Safety

Exploring the house wasn't as much fun as Kohaku would have hoped it would be. Amy yelled at him a lot and there wasn't too much for Kohaku to play with. Many things that the tiny male might have found interesting were falling apart. There wasn't anything for a puppy to do. Diligently, the puppy followed the only adult in sight, unfortunately that meant following Amy around the house as she inspected everything.

The only thing that really caught Kohaku's attention was a large, white bowl. The bowl stood at the far end of a tiny room. It was a strange item that took the pup's attention. Kohaku reared up on his hind legs to inspect the inside of the bowl. However, being a young wolf, the male had a difficult time peaking into it. His head hung awkwardly on the bowls edge as the colorful boy stretched his neck to see inside. Kohaku could get a small peak of the bowl from the corner of his eye, only to discover that it was empty. Growing bored, the male returned to following Amy around.

At long last, Amy decided to stay in one location as she sorted through the various objects that caught her interest. Kohaku returned to the rooms were their beds were laid out and amused himself by chewing on the old toy that lay abandoned on the ground. Playing by himself wasn't very fun, but it was better than being with Amy and her boring stuff.

Word Count → 000

Razy Table.

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