Returning Ghosts of the Morning Calm Land

(305) My internet just hates me. ;-; I will try and be faster with this!

The blonde girl—who was a woman now, and a princess at that—was perhaps more kin to this brutal, savage slave than her own people. She had been crafted from an early age in such primal, instinctive ways. While TaeKyung had only the will to fight, Salvia had the will to rule. It was a part of her, in every way, but because of her inadequacy and her inability to use such silver-tongued ways, she was not her mother’s daughter. All sense of mercy or love had been cut from her at an early age. Still, she was not entirely without the concepts of these things. Amongst the slaves, she did not need to pretend. This was easier for her, and she flourished in such earth.

Salvia stood over the carcass, listening to the voice of the Korean. Her hands worked with raw power and dug, elbow deep, into the bloody pit of the beast’s chest. They had eaten most of the innards, but some remained. This was what she dug for, hands working greedily. There was an audible crack as the ribs split from her force.

Green eyes lifted from her work as the slave spoke of ghosts. It was outside of her realm of knowledge, and while she did not believe in magic as her parents did, she held a healthy respect for spirits and gods. For a long time she simply looked at the black wolf, admiring her the way one might admire a prized racehorse or dog, and then let her eyes fall back to her work.

“Are you haunted, TaeKyung?” Her pronunciation of the name had only improved marginally, but she still insisted it be used. It put her above the others, and by now, Salvia was well aware that the Korean had earned every right she now boasted.

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