[M] bloody horse


Draugr is by Alaine!

The wolfdog appraised the large figure on the ground with a frown, and wrinkled her muzzle into something resembling a mild snarl as Ataxia spoke of attackers. Dra was quite used to large canines -- her mother was a big wolf, after all, and so was her father; Dra herself was no petite thing -- but this one seemed very big. Perhaps it was just the way he was all sprawled out. Her purple gaze settled on Ataxia -- respectfully never lifting to her face, of course -- and she listened, nodding here and again to show she understood.

When Ata was finished explaining, the hybrid gazed toward her for a moment, frowning. She was ranked as an Associate, surely, but would helping someone of only Family rank advance her cause any? Did Salvia and Sirius care for Eris's children, little more than Family and Confidants themselves? They seemed to overlook Draugr entirely, which was quite good for the wolf-dog. She preferred not to be noticed -- any extra spotlight cast on her might bring to light mistakes she wasn't even aware of making.

I don't know, she said, hesitating. She understood the implication, but her mind again considered the big male and how damned big he was. He's... very large, the hybrid said. He looks very strong. Maybe it would be best if we left him here to fend for himself. I'm sure one as strong as he is can handle it. Draugr dwelled on the male's size, and repeated it twice to Ataxia, the underlying message being: enslaving him might be more trouble than it is worth, and it might cost blood.

How will we even get him back by ourselves? Gjalda is not very strong, either, she said. The slave was standing quietly off to the side, and he jerked a little at the mention of his name, but hesitated before stepping forward and lifting one finger. Draugr stared toward him, frowning, and nodded, giving him leave to speak.

You might build a travois. Two long sticks and a pelt secured between them, strapped to the horse's back. I know how to do it, he offered. Draugr considered this a moment, and finally shrugged, glancing back toward Ataxia. She was the highest of rank present; it was her decision. Before the gray wolf could reply, however, there was a stirring from beside them, and Draugr was alarmed to see the male beginning to stir. She took a step back and stared as he struggled upwards, choked half a word, and fell back again.

Whatever we do, let's do it before he wakes up, the wolf-dog said. She wasn't afraid of him -- with Ataxia and Gjalda here, and the pack so close, he couldn't hurt them.

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