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  • Setting: June 26th? During the daylight hours
  • Location: [___] border
  • Form: Secui, no trophies

  • Once in a while, a dilemma would befall the otherwise calm mind and leave it vexed for a time despite any intentions to ease it. Like an itch that could not be scratched even with all the creative instruments one could conceive to abate the horrid stinging, and it was though all attempts made the itching worse til it spread and ravaged the mind. Upon her stone pedestal covered with scattered leaf and bits of earth, the she-wolf looked down at her troubling source. Her brows furrowed with concentration and eyes straining to see beyond the physical dust white form.

    When it was pleasant enough to favor the items between teeth and sharpen one’s claws upon them, it had not made an adequate purpose out of the pristine remnants of the hunt. What trinkets could be made from them, she wondered with a deepening scowl. They were much to large and heavy to be worn and far too thick to break without an intended purpose. Had there been pups, she could have wrapped the bones in hide and given them to the young ones to teeth. But it was painfully noticeable that there were not young ones to coddle… none to feed or help teeth. Gold struck the stone with an irritable thump, now forced to entertain this truth though it only made her bitter internally. Her mind was too busy as of late, bouncing from one thought to another, then back to a prior thought believed to have been forgone days ago. It was maddening, though she maintained a kind of clarity throughout the days, ensuring that above all her family was cared for and able, before subjecting herself to deep thinking.

    For the countless time, her mind veered away from the fanciful thoughts of pups and back to the bones gathered at her paws. Their ashen surface stared back at her… taunting her with possibilities for their use but received to bring a light to her eyes. Perhaps she could make some kind of a tool out of them? Again, she tilted her head as she released a vexed sigh in thought. Jaden was quite keen on weaponry…

    …but she could find a purpose for the bones later. From the earth to the sky, her eyes trailed upward as if seeing the flowing call her ears received. It was an instinctual response, a song to intertwine with the echo that hung in the ear to make the caller aware that he would be seen. Another in so short of time bode well for the female, rising her spirits by so simply an act that one would believe she was desperate for the call. But it was in joy that she descended her throne with a smile and lopped to the border to greet the patiently awaiting. Her crown of autumn hues and wild flora had long since collapsed under its mass, spilling haphazardly ever which-way as it was tossed and combed by the cooling winds. Rivulets of red trailed in her wake looking no different than blood dripping from her golden figure. But as a gentle soul, she perceived her appearance as nothing more than a blessing from the ancestors, not a curse made real by the family name she carried.

    Drawing nigh to the border, the caller’s scent became more pronounced by a favoring wind. An unmistakable masculine musk coupled with the alluring fragrance of the wild. But laden within remained the hints of a collective; a compilation of scents that marked a pack… a family. And one distantly familiar. Within her amber eyes was a curious glint as she approached his towering form, sparing no modesty as she inspected what her eyes could immediately behold.

    “Goodday to you,” politely, the she-wolf lowered her head further concealing her eyes within veils of red. As a sign of good will and initial trust, she lowered herself to her haunches though remained upright. Wild and unkempt as she appeared, her role was still evident by this stature. Yet the soft smile alone could have led the unperceptive to believe otherwise. “You are upon the Sangi’lak border. Might I ask if you are alright, my friend? Are you in need…?”

    700 words.

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