
Current Objective:Fighting X'y ---
Mood: Flux----

If someone had stumbled across the two at this very moment, they might have thought this scene of the female on top with two muzzles meeting, types of scratching and other various odds and ends. Was something that should have been done away from prying eyes.Un/fortunatly this was not the case, no one would get the wrong idea about the two...well save perhaps for the two owls overhead. X'ies was getting two things out of this particular little game, one he was once again getting to bond with his old pack mate in a way they hadn't done in years. And two, he was seeing X'y for how she was now. Indeed, there hadn't been much change to her, but now he at least saw just why she wore the trousers in the Alpha relationship. That and as a mild third point he was getting practice at fighting, something he thought that would be required one of these days.

Her fangs would meet his muzzle giving free a spray of blood and a yelp from the Lambda, his yelp however would follow in turn with her own back scratching. His own claws which had found their way to her shoulder would dig in, using all the physical power that his body could muster, fuelled by the pain prior. Her claws would eventually catch flesh themselves, more injury coming his way. He was going to be leaving this little bout with more than a few flesh wounds. In this form they were both, more or less equally matched in terms of physical size. Despite being larger in both prior forms in this he and she held almost equal footing. Her training giving her the advantage when it came to combat like this. But then....his mind held the advantage. He would quickly look to his left.

" Jaden?"

He would speak, his face going blank as if he was staring at something horrifying, hoping that his words would set her off guard. Both a test and a distraction, if the distraction was successful he would attempt to slip his foot out from under her. And kick upwards.

Word Count: 386


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