Small big cats, or big small cats?

WC:: 311 - bloooooooooooop!

Niers eyes darted to and fixed on the Lynx, now identified as Omitil. She was a rather pretty little lynx, and Nier knew he was staring. He couldn't help it, being just a wee bit obsessed with felines, "A pleasure to meet you Nahyt." He gave the dark female a friendly smile, before crouching and mewling a greeting to Omitil in Low Speech, his experiences and lessons with Ciaran apparently paying off.

He straightened again, longing to pet the pretty Lynx, but not wishing to be rude. "I would be honoured to go with you. It may give me the chance to meet, even see, some of our other newcomers." He moved aside, allowing Nahyt to proceed. Nier was usually one to make small talk and get to know others, but for some reason his brief time away from the pack and his lack of knowledge about the new members had made him shy. He struggled to find suitable conversation topics, running through many in his mind and discarding all of them. He was becoming increasingly aware of the awkward silence between them as they strolled towards the village centre.

Ciaran leaped from Niernans shoulders, landing with a light thud on the loamy floor of the forest. The dark tabby padded over to Omitil, obviously hoping to befriend the Lynx queen. Nier smiled at Ciaran, proud of his companion. His mind finally fixed on a topic then, one of the things they had in common. "You said you live with your brother? You must be close." He glanced over at her, "My brother lives in the pack too. Bran and I used to share a hut, but we have separate homes now." He waited for her response, unsure of where this strain of conversation would take them. He thought that if the brother chat failed he could try and talk about the cats.

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