(M) Reminds me of the second time ...

WC:: 395 - 02/07/12. Jordheim. Optime form. No Ciaran for the mo. Noon. This gonna be sooooo fun!

His morning had consisted of the much delayed cleaning of his home. Despite living in his hillock house for over a month now he had been so busy with trips, scouting and helping Bran that he had neglected his own home. He was busy sweeping the dust and debris covered packed-dirt floor with a handmade broom, his door and all the windows open allowing him to sweep the debris out of his abode and into the clearing. Ciaran was perched on a broad windowsill, his long, fluffy tail curled around his paws, tickling his pinky-brown nose. His grey-green eyes had slid closed and his breathing was deep and rhythmic, it was apparent the cat was asleep.

Nier paused for a moment, leaning on the handle of his broom, staring at the cat. Again, he envied the cat the ability to sleep anywhere and anytime. He sighed, admiring how peaceful the Maine Coon hybrid looked, with the summer breeze gently stirring his fur and whiskers, his expressive face and ears twitching lightly in mouse filled dreams. Nier smiled to himself, allowing a hum of contentment to escape him. The quiet hum swiftly turned to a wordless shout of surprise as a loud crashing noise startled him. He had visibly leaped in the air and was very glad that his brother was elsewhere or he would have been mercilessly teased. Ciaran was no longer on the windowsill, but now in a furry, dusty heap on the floor. His eyes wide and his tail resembling a cotton covered Bull-rush.

Nier couldn't help but laugh at his friend, earning himself a withering glare from his cat, "It's not funny. I have to wash now!" The irate cat spat. Nier nodded, still laughing "Not funny at all. I'd better go see what that was." He giggled. Mud coloured paws transported him out of his burrow like home, he paused in the bright sunlight and squinted around. The house to the right of his had its windows thrown open, he figured he'd start there.

Doors had once been a foreign concept to Niernan, who was used to living in a cave or in the wilderness, but now he was used to knocking on the warm and worn wood. He rapped politely, waiting for the inhabitant to come and greet him, he called a polite and generic "Hello, are you ok?" Through an open window.

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