Small big cats, or big small cats?

WC:: 380 - Daft Niernan!

The dark furred female had a steady pace, her bag now tied off to her belt, leaving her hand-paws free to draw out a slightly crumpled piece of paper and a pencil from a pocket. She seemed a little distracted as Niernan babbled on, and he became aware that Nahyt was not the type for idle chit chat. He let his lips pull into a wry smile; it seemed just his luck to always encounter the canines that favoured silence over speech. He was aware he was chatty and over-friendly, it was part of his joker personality, but he could easily fall into the minimalistic approach if needed. It was also evident that the brother conversation had failed as she was now more immersed in her map than anything.

He happily remained silent, watching the cats socialise, Ciaran much more confident than Omitl. Ironic really, as Omitl could probably easily take Ciaran out with one swipe. The dark tabby Maine coon seemed to be rather taken with Omitl and they had struck up a quiet and somewhat tentative conversation in their own, feline language. Nier didn't know enough and wasn't that fluent to follow everything passing between them, not that he was prying at all.

He looked up as Nahyt asked him a question concerning her map. He furrowed his dark brow for a moment, bringing his long fingers up to his chin where they found his short goatee. He 'hmmmed' quietly, looking from the sketch to the hillock. He nodded once, "I think an issue of size." He pointed to the tree that stood next to the house, "You see how the branches overhang the house, but shield the trunk at the same time? Yeah, it's deceptive. The tree is closer to the house in real life than there." He said, pointing to the sketch. He raised his eyes to hers, hoping he hadn't offended her. "So, uh. I think if you make the house on the map bigger it'll be in proportion." He finished.

He shrugged then, "I dunno if that makes sense, I'm no artist, I'm more Scout than anything." He said quietly. Realising that despite his resolve to fall quiet he had still chatted away like he had something worthwhile to say. He mentally smacked himself over his slip.

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