
Word Count → 427 ::
Weird post is weird, but hooray for a thread my with lovely Lorrsus! <3

Eventually she would find herself back in her own room within the Ruins, but for now it seemed as if Clover spent most of her time hidden away within the Salsolan lord’s chambers. Upon the discovery of her pregnancy, the Thistle King had insisted that she stay there and be pampered by the slaves, despite her own views on independence and slavery itself. Now that their sons had been born, not much had changed in the way of their service. They were still provided with the finest things and ensured optimal care, but when it really came down to her and her sons, Clover insisted that she’d do all that a mother was supposed to for her children.

Larkkin and Lokr had begun to teeter around the King’s chambers, but they were still far too young to venture outside just yet. Soon it would be time to begin their weaning, but Clover could not yet let go of that precious time with her sons. Cradling a child to her bosom so they could nurse brought about such an incomparable feeling of utter contentment that the thought of that ceasing broke her heart. Clover loved both her sons dearly, and fantasized that they would remain this way forever – her young, little puppies. Of course, they had already done their fair share of growing in the last few weeks. They recognized and responded to their names, however were still too young to vocally respond. It was only a matter of time before Clover knew she’d have two rambunctious boys on her hands.

And when that happened, Clover wondered when she would find herself back in her own room. Though it was true that Sirius had chosen her to provide him with heirs to his thistle throne, Clover was not and could never be his queen. Even the hippie woman herself could recognize that. The blood within her veins, coupled with such pleasing aesthetics, was all she had to offer the brooding Boss. Clearly he had taken advantage of that, but what would be left for her when her sons had grown?

Clearly there was still much time before then, so Clover was sure to push those thoughts away for now. She had twisted her golden locks into a thick braid down her back and had left behind the usual denim shorts she so often donned. While the brothers still slept, her fingers were kept busy with tidying things within the chamber. In no time at all the boys were sure to be awake and crying for their next feeding.

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