and though we have sinned all of our lives

my dog has the hiccups…

No, she needed something more then existence, more then just living. It was nice once in a while to just live and be content with simple things. But Anu was one that needed much more to live for, even with all the time she had spent on her own, there was a breaking point. Whether or not she wanted to admit it, she needed the family that Phoenix Valley had given her.

So insightful, Laurel was. Anu enjoyed talking to him and discussing something further then just the weather. She did enjoy talking about the weather, but there were times when she need more. Did lone wolves talk about more then just the weather, or related small talk? Anu would certainly have to find out.

“It sounds liberating.” She turned again the cool water, paddling closer towards him, not having noticed how far she had drifted. “But how do you live without knowing you have fulfilled your purpose. And how do you do that when you’re all alone? And how does someone not have a purpose? Everyone has a reason for being here, its sad to think that someone out there believes that they don’t have a reason to be here.”

It was a sad thought, when everyone deserved to have a fulfilling life, and everyone deserved be happy.


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