Talnala is the strongest word I know
Late sorry D:

Keldava's ears twitched rapidly as she followed the sounds of her family congregating back to the house; the strong scent of blood filling her nostrils preventing her from following the scents as she normally would. Ever since she had made her first catch Keldava had been hunting as often as she could, enjoying the feeling of supplying herself with food from large game rather than scrounging off of others. Thankfully control of her Secui form had come much easier than that of her Optime and now that she could control the movement of her powerful form easily, hunting was usually successful to some degree.

Todays hunt had actually been one of the unsuccessful ones; the wounds that Keldava had managed to inflict on her prey had been mostly superficial, though she had caught a few decent sized blood vessels judging by how much she had been bled on, and she had lost it when Mahnaya's call distracted her so, despite her crimson stained face and muzzle Keldava's stomach was empty as she trotted along, keeping a sedate pace to avoid using up much more energy but staying in her Secui form anyway; even when she didn’t need it Keldava liked the powerful feel of her enlarged muscles, especially when she could move slowly and savour the sensation.

Keldava arrived at the gathering last and barked out a greeting before she plonked herself down next to 'Gina, thwapping her tail against her sisters side. Keldava started to pant to work off some of the heat she had built up hunting, tongue trailing out of her mouth happily and catching against the blood coating her chin, causing Keldava to lick her lips several times before she realised she was doing it.

Keldava's tail beat against the ground when Mahnaya spoke of being proud of them all; with how much Keldava respected her mother such praise his home for her. Her tail stilled in shock momentarily, mouth hanging wide open in a display of shock and razor sharp teeth before it snapped shut and Keldava's tail resumed movement, beating the ground even faster than before. "New Orej?!" she exclaimed happily, lunging forwards towards Mahnaya and stopping just short in a play bow, prancing about and mock lunging several more times in excitement, half circling her mother as she did so, "When!? What're they gonna be called!? Can I play with them!?"

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