[M] Fifty Shades of Black
Axelle Napier
Word Count :: 518 || Points: 5 Ohmygoodness, doggiehead O.o

The sensation caught her so quick it was almost like a gunshot. She sucked in air, making a short hissing sound, but a good kind of hissing sound. His finger was in there, and it was hard for her to keep her eyes on the ceiling. She managed, focusing all her attention on what he was doing down there. A low moan escaped her, and she leaned forward to his finger, pushing it deeper within her. Another moan escaped, and the pleasure spread throughout her. Her whole body felt warm, and in about three seconds, she began to shiver. But she didn’t shiver because she was cold, the shivers were like electric shocks, the good kind, that flowed from her puss all throughout her body. She leaned into his finger, but before it could get really good, he stopped.

Damn him! She lay exasperated on the bed, wanting more. Her eyes finally left the ceiling and settled upon him, watching him taste her. She let a hand free to touch her face, alluringly. She put her own finger in her mouth and bit gently on it; she needed to cause a little pain to take her mind off of her throbbing need. As he disappeared behind her thighs, she didn’t want to strain her neck. She dropped her head back on the bed, and felt his tongue preform its magic. It wasn’t long before wild, wolfy moans escaped her throat. Even though they were low, they were audible to him and probably anyone passing by. Her hips bucked with pleasure, and she leaned in toward him again, inching closer to the end of the bed without realizing it.

After he pleasured her for a few moments with his tongue, she became wild. She couldn’t take it anymore. She wanted him now. Axelle’s free hand was a danger to her good behavior. That hand grabbed Kai by the hair and dragged him up to face her, just close enough for his member to be by her opening, but not in it yet. She grabbed his face with both of her hands and started kissing him relentlessly, despite his tongue just being inside her two seconds ago. She didn't care. She first started with his lips, then his face, then she traced a long line from his jaw bone all the way down to his collarbone with her tongue. During the tongue travel, one of her hands escaped and was slowly touching what muscles she could, traveling down his body. She moaned on her own now, consumed by the need for him, and the pleasure he gave her still lingering within her. She used the other hand to position his head so his ear was next to her maw. ”Give it to me now…” Her voice was dripping with want, need, pleasure, torment, allure, arousal. Everything. She used her thighs to push him closer to her, but not in her. Just close enough where his dick brushed against her opening. Who was teasing who now? She locked her thighs together, and he wouldn’t be able to get up unless she let him up.

Photo by Bahman Farzad@Flickr

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