Fistful of Love
Word Count :: 270 OOC: My first craptastic post with you, <3 so sorry ; ;

“Oh it does some funny things but a fun past time I think.”

Jiva said speaking of the alcohol. He had sat up smiling, though remained closer to her, wishing that he could hold her now, but knew even little movement would hurt her. He wished he could do more as well, but he would have to ask the permission of the alpha to even move further with what he wanted. He sighed not sure of what to say, though smiled as she spoke.

“That’s good, I am so glad to hear it. I just... I never expected you of all would care for me so. It makes my heart feel happier.”

He was out of words to say, he was stunned by her expression and didn’t know how to tell her they can’t be mates, not yet, not without permission, surely she already knew that. He wagged his tail and looked at the paper they had been working on. He slightly wished someone would come so that she wouldn’t be too disappointed in his reaction because he knew that she wanted more from him.

“I am glad we are able to talk about this, it’s been so hard seeing you hurt and so many parts of me wish I could find that animal that attacked you and kill him.”

She had called out the man’s name and it stuck to Jiva but that did little to help him find the man. For all he knew he could have been a loner wandering around and found Palaydrian and did this as quickly as anyone could sneeze.


Image courtesy of Ed Gaillard

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