me too

He came swiftly, with the wind on his heels. She almost wished he hadn't. Io pushed the horse away, wanting to give herself some space as another wave of sickness passed over her. She couldn't believe what she had just gone and done. I mean she could see the anger on Jaroslaw's face and was almost furious that he'd said nothing and accepted it. Sleek white digits brushed an equally snowy fringe away from her silver eye line. Her heart raced and she jsut about stopped herself from panicking as his scent came closer and closer towards the borders. Of course, she still had time before he came. She could have ran. But she sunk to the ground against a tree fiddling with bits of grass to keep her mind off her current thoughts for a while while she waited. It didn't work. Much to her disappointment.

She stood shakily when he arrive in her eye sight. Walking over to meet him silently, and, while not ignoring his question, she was nowhere near strong enough to answer it verbally. Io gulped and stood before him reaching for his hand and entwining it with hers, palm to back. The tribal woman stared deep into in eyes, panic in her own and rested his palm, with her finger beside his, on her stomach. Even though there was no visible rise, nor would there be for another few weeks, a small, solidness could be felt. 'Jac...' she began, her voice clearly wavering. 'Przykro mi... I am sorry...'

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