
She nodded when he asked if they were his. Removing her hand from around him. Her own arms crossed across her chest. She'd expected to feel much better after telling him but her generally upset feeling didn't change. Pacing back over to the tree, Io slumped down defeated. She had no energy left to worry and so just sat there numbly, unable to think what she should be feeling now, Happy, sad, guilty? And she couldn't gauge how Jac felt about this either so she let her collie ears fall flat against her head instead. 'Przykro mi...' she repeated again, because it had been her fault after all, hadn't it?

'I am keeping them. I...' she shrugged, still refusing to meet his gaze. 'I can not jsut get rid of them... it would be...' she couldn't finish. And so she succumbed to wallowing in her own guilt and frustration. Frustration because she adored children, but why they hell was she so upset about it? Perhaps it was the fact that she'd actually considered Jaroslaw's feelings. He said he didn't care. But Io wasn't convinced. 'You do not need to help. I will be fine' her voice came sharp. She was a Berlin for god sake! A fine representation of her homeland and she was not helpless by any means.

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