Rising up from the ground
OOC Laughs

Neela didn’t reply with words, simply nodded and flashing Lorenzo a grin before turning back to the punching bag and settling into a fighting stace. She was still for a moment, closing her eyes and pretending that the bag was an actual enemy, like she had been doing earlier. Opening her eyes she charged forwards, spinning on the ball of her foot the second she got within range to deliver a roundhouse kick at thigh level to the bag, a loud thump echoing around the clearing as fur hit leather.

Neela made like she was going to switch sides and go for a punch but abruptly changed, snapping off what would be a light kick to the ribs before her leg had fully lowered and darting in that direction, twisting around and using that momentum to slam an elbow into the bag at groin height. Jumping back Neela switched into a more defensive stance, ducking and circling with her arms held up more like a traditional boxer, throwing quick punches coupled with what would be scratches and gouges with her claws in a real fight before she remembered that she was supposed to be showing off and launched several head height kicks at the bag, hex flexibility coming in handy here.

Abruptly she went for a killing blow, curling her hand into a flat fist and then slamming it into where the neck would be, uncurling her fingers as she drew the hand back in a motion that would cut a opponents already crushed throat to pieces if she extended her claws.

Dropping back into a neutral stance Neela started to pant, letting her body work out the heat she had just generated, and turned to Lorenzo, ”Well, what’ya think? ‘m good at grappling and stuff as well an knife work, but can’t really show ya those on a bag.” she said, tail wagging gently.

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