{m} all that we dream of awaits patiently
You should be used to these things by now.

A soft giggle emerged, and she licked his nose lightly before replying. "I... I know. You also are bad at playing a villain," she commented, smiling sweetly up at him. It might have been a challenge, for all Silvano knew, and whether he accepted it or not Giselle could never change her mind how she felt about him. Though soaked in it, Giselle was like water in the beast's hands, bending willingly to his guidance on their decorative bed. As he did so, her hand slid down from his forearm to his heart, feeling the familiar beat under her small fingertips. The woman gasped as she felt her wet dress press up against her back, now a full reminder of the bath she had received. It was forgotten in the moment of her mate's words, to which she laughed merrily to. "Oh, you couldn't do that... I'm too big to be prey for you."

Until she felt the cool air on her exposed fur, Giselle hadn't realized her damp dress was being removed. "Oh.. right." Her fingers fumbled with the rest, though shakily. The female knew she needed to get out of the dress, and though she was a bit more comfortable being exposed around her mate, something about it still felt off. A sigh of relief came when she slid it off of her pure colored form, feeling the furs beneath her and the warmth of the male above her. For a moment, her hands moved to conceal her chest and to cross her legs, but as she leaned up and looked at the male above her, her appendages began to relax. "I'm not worried. You'll keep me warm," she breathed, closing her eyes as the beauty leaned in to kiss the dark beast.

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Table by Sunny

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