[J]Paws Failed
OOC: not even goona bother with a table on this XDDD


The soft voice tried reassuring her but she wasn’t fooled, they were there. Biding their time. She could smell them. Why couldn’t this woman? But the urge to argue had been washed out of her at the offer of nourishment. She said nothing but lay where she was. She truly had nothing left. She was at deaths door and she was willing to go fighting or no. She flinched only slightly as the woman made to pick her up but she did not deny her. Either from what little trust the girl could manage or that she just didn’t have it in her. She could only stare at her savior in answer to her. She’d tell the woman all she wanted to know for even the smallest drop of water. Her body was limp and she was willing to go anywhere with the person who said she had food she could give her. Closing her eyes she waited for any signs of movement to begin and stop. She was just so tired...

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