flight of the (phoenix)
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It was totally sick and he knew it, but Phoenix couldn’t deny that deep down somewhere he received some twisted sort of satisfaction from knowing more about Dierdre than Deuce did, especially with something this big. After all, he felt he had just as much a right to called Dierdre his daughter as Deuce did. Stifling such feelings, he merely nodded. “Yeah, his name’s Pilot Haddon. He’s a good guy—does a good job lookin’ out for her.” Not to mention a total contrast from Lucifer. No matter what Deuce said, Pilot had never harmed anybody in his life. Phoenix only vaguely knew who Fatin was, but he was not impressed by the fact. “Well, she better keep a close eye on him around her children. ‘Specially th’little girls,” he said snidely.

He wondered why she was asking about his family. True, they used to be friends once, but when he hadn’t accepted her rapist mate with open arms he’d inferred their friendship was at an end. He didn’t exactly feel comfortable talking to her about his life, since the last thing he wanted was to invoke her pity. Nevertheless, he answered her. “Sun an’ Moon left to be with their real family. One of my other daughters ran away. Th’rest are doin’ as well as can be expected.” Perhaps that was why he was being so territorial with Dierdre. After losing so many children he wanted to hold on tight to the ones he had left.

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