ghosts of tomorrow

Conri had left, so she was alone again. There were certain things about a quiet night by herself that Naniko did enjoy, but other times she wished that she had some company. She couldn't expect the pack members to want to stand around and entertain her whenever she felt like it; even Savina and Lucifer had lives of their own. She had been so reliant on Conri...maybe it hadn't been healthy. He had been kidnapped before, but this time things felt different. She didn't want to be by herself, but at the same time she didn't want him to come back.

She opened her eyes, putting her feet down onto the ground and walking toward the door of the mansion. Maybe a run would do her some good...make her tired enough to take a nap. After that the rest of the day would fly by. She couldn't wait for the pups to arrive; then she would have something to do, at least.

She started to run, a slow lope across Twilight Vale, making arcs around certain objects. At her second trip around the lake she paused, her tongue rolling out of her mouth to one side as she panted and stared. Someone was nearby. Her hackles raised at the unfamiliar smell, lips raising to show one pointed tooth. She was by herself, without Conri...but she didn't need him to protect the borders. She could do that much, at least. The girl approached and sat a few yards away, brows knitting with confusion. "I know you"


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