M. ain't no sins in this town
permission to have Jac just go ahead and do what ever. this is shorrt~

The idea of trade was a welcome thing. Of course, as agriculture had no meaning to her, she'd allow Jaroslaw to take credit for the work. It was the least she could do, especially after today. He asked about his uncle. And although the name was familiar and she'd seen him passingly once or twice, he'd not been the leader. 'He was fine from what I saw. Though he was not the leader then. Another woman was. I did not like her' she frowned and finished off the joint, 'Then it all collapsed... That is why I went to AniWaya'. X'yrin had caused the place to collapse, she was sure of it. Casting those willing to fight for it's members into the shadow and changing things around to suite her own ways caused it's collapse.

'I do miss Inferni, though it and I never shared the same ideals' she sighed and closed her eyes, leaning against the tree. The next thing she knew was Jacinto leaning over her, having fallen. Surprised, but unscathed, she gestured away his apology and laughed. 'Worse things have happened'. The animal tender dully acknowledged his will to make it up to her and she murmured in agreement saying nothing but smiling. She also dully noticed his arm slipping around her waist, and while she said nothing against it, her tail was beating against the floor.

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