I've Seen Fire (Laruku)

indent She gave him a sigh and a smile. The smile was of someone who is never truly exhausted, and there was sleepiness in her sigh. What could he have done? Perhaps he had made mistakes, but more likely he had done things on purpose. Maybe he had killed, maybe he had fought. Maybe Laruku had caused his share of trouble, but Melisande beleived that everyone was equal in their capacities of good and evil. Esentially, all people were the same. He was not truly worse than anyone else, she knew that. She looked into his eyes, and knew that it didn't matter what he said. She could see his soul, so open before her now, and that was what she liked, no matter what he did or wanted.

indent "Well, wish in one hand, shit in the other, you know?" Melisande hoped she wasn't hurting him. All she wanted, so badly now, was for him to be happy. "I can't help it, and... you know, I don't care what you did. You can always start over, if you really need to. I don't even want to know, unless you want to tell me."


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