[M] Fifty Shades of Black
Ooc Creative licence might be required for the whole cumming twice thing lol. [WC: 588 || Pts: 5]

Kai felt her muscles squeezing around his length as he buried himself within her and knew that her second orgasm had taken hold. It made the sensations of his own that much more thrilling as her core gripped him in violent spasms, milking him for all he was worth. As his body started to relax some, he knew they were joined, knew the knot in his member wouldn't allow them to seperate just yet and so they were stuck together, bodies interlocked, unable to move from each other. Just the way Kai wanted it.

His eyes held hers, as unwilling to let go as his body was of her, simply watching her closely. He had bared his soul for her in that moment of his release - no bravado, no barriers, nothing to hide behind. It was something that he had never done before - he had taken females, of course, but it had never been quite like this. It had been superficial with the others, a purely physical reaction and it had been for his pleasure, not theirs. He hadn't much cared about theirs. But with Axelle, that had been spun on its head - her pleasure was the first thing on his mind, his main priority. As she shifted and switched their positions, Kai found himself lying on his back and instantly, his muscles relaxed. He no longer had to hold his form above her and his entire body slumped into the comfy mattrass, looking up at this two-toned beauty who had him so entranced.

As her gaze shifted downwards to their joining, his did the same, finally parting from her eyes, and he saw what she was looking at, his familiar dark smirk returning to his features. His breathing was still shallow, but as she began prodding at the base of his length, his body tightened beneath her and his breaths became soft snorts, turning into louder ones when she shifted and drove him into her deeper. That knot of his became lodged another inch inside of her as she forced him deeper, and it made him moan deeply. However, as she tried to pull away, his body quickly tensed once more at the feeling, at his swollen base as it tugged on her from the inside, letting her know that she wasn't going anywhere. No other female had ever done that before, had ever teased him while they were locked together, and the extra tugging of him aroused him. He had just had the most glorious orgasm within her, and yet with her extra shifting and tugging and prodding, he wondered about the possibility of having a second whilst already locked inside of her. His length was still so utterly sensitive, able to feel every bit of her, every muscle tense and every shift of her form around him. Reaching down his own body, his hand grabbed her prodding hand and guided it around, behind her. The movement required him to sit a little, using his free hand to prop himself up as she somewhat straddled him. He guided her hand down to his heavy sac and began urging her fingertips to massage his pair, his eyes lifting to find hers once more, his breath catching a little in his throat. "No-one... has ever made me... cum twice... I didn't even think it was possible..." A few more tugs on his oh-so-sensitive member still knotted within her and a little more kneading and tugging against his sac and he was sure he would explode once more.

Table and Siggy by Sammiie; Photo by Diana Pinto@flickr

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