Fistful of Love

Not craptastic at all!

Word Count → 446

She nodded and chuckled at his response about the wine. It simply had gone to their heads the night they had discovered it together, but Palaydrian couldn’t deny that she was happy with the liquid courage it had given her to finally kiss the man she was so smitten with. Without it, the two would have probably been doing the same awkward dance around their emotions and feelings for one another now, but the angel had broken that ice and now it was time to sink or swim. It makes my heart happier as well...knowing that my emotions are not for nothing and that...well, that you feel the same, she admitted with the same hopeful smile. If this conversation was headed towards what she wanted it to be, she wasn’t sure if she’d be able to breathe much less voice an answer of “yes” as her heart was pounding and her excitement was going through the roof.

Drin nodded her head, she was happy they were talking about this as well. Actually, more than happy, the woman was ecstatic, but Jiva was looking down at the alphabet paper and talking about the attack. The angel’s smile began to fade, but she agreed with him wholeheartedly. The attack had put a damper on their night together, and she had been unsure if they would ever talk about it that this elephant in the room was between them, but she knew she wasn’t ready to talk about Aram yet. That would have to be another day, when her resolve was stronger, and she had more time to process everything that happened.

Her brow furrowed with worry at Jiva’s admittance. Though it was brave and courageous of him wanting to seek out her revenge, the woman couldn’t imagine him successfully beating down what seemed to be a skilled killer. The idea made her shudder. If Aram were to cut into Jiva’s pretty flesh, the woman would surely go mad with rage and anguish. She would not wish his psychotic torture on even her worst enemy. She reached out to hold Jiva’s hands, but I’m healing here, safe with you. And despite everything that monster put me through, I wouldn’t want to send my pack or the one I feel for off on a hunt for blood, she assured him hoping he would see the sincerity in her eyes. Aram will get what’s coming to him in due time, right now, I just want to enjoy the moment and time spent with you. Her smile returned now, she’d avoid this conversation for another day.

Table credit goes to Raze! <3.

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