Hand to Hand Basics

WC:: 389 Drin’s still in optime till further notice. I think your wolfer is the only one that’s four legged the entire time, but when Samantha posts we’ll know for sure. Smile But maybe secui training would be pretty cool? Drin would be nervous to shift because she hasn’t gotten the go ahead yet healing-wise but she’d do it for the sake of training.

Casa di Cavalieri was nothing like Palaydrian had seen before. She had heard about wolves living in human dwellings and utilizing more than just found wind chimes and knives, but she had not been expecting an entire village of canines that fully embraced the Optime form and used it to their advantage. It was amazing really, all the things they could do, all the clothes she had seen on wolves and hybrids, and pretty much most things she came in contact here were foreign to her but incredibly interesting. She knew she’d never be able to live such a humanized lifestyle, but she was happy to realize it didn’t make her feel too uncomfortable. Drin decided long before she Fayne and Tharin made their journey here, that she’d have to remain the strong and optimistic one for her brother and sister. Where she felt okay and at ease within this new territory, she was sure they struggled with some forms of anxiety over all the “newness”, especially Tharin, whom Drin knew did not carry the Luperci virus.

Drin was practically revelling in it all, determined to learn as much as she could and to meet as many Casa members as possible. Everyone so far had been so welcoming and kind, she hoped her own pack could repay the courtesy shown to them someday as well. Today Fayne and Drin were hanging out together while Tharin went his own way. The woman had meant to take him aside to see how he was doing, but she left him to his own devices, thinking it better to ask him at another time, once the trio were actually alone and didn’t feel so different from their surroundings. The optime woman had just finished fishtail braiding her hair and tying it back with the leather thong Zeitgeist had given her when a friendly bark greeted her ears. Hello! She called with a friendly smile painted on her muzzle and a wave. She had never seen a canine with such peculiar fur. Her tail matched the stranger’s wag as the female approached the two. My name is Palaydrian, she said, offering a hand as she had learned the other day was called a handshake, a humanized form of greeting Casa members seemed to be fond of.

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