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Eventually introducing the young Sira would come into play, but this was not the introduction the female envisioned. More a gradual acclimation to the pack, starting with a member at a time when they were more awake and able to deal with these delicate circumstances. But this was too rushed, and much too soon that even the calmed face of the Issor skewed uncomfortably. She knew Jaden would bring no harm to the young one, but still she worried; would he be upset with her for again taking matters into her own paws without his consult?

The quiet ramblings of the young jackal was a blessed distraction before she worried herself silly. Odd that she would be muttering about fish when there were none visible to speak of. She turned to the girl with an inquiring expression, then again felt her prior concerns melt away upon looking at her frightened face. Again her fears of being taken became apparent, and again she made to protect the girl from her unnecessary fear.

"He will not take you away, Sira," with hushed tones, X'yrin sought to soothe the girl. Carefully she lowered her muzzle to be level with the girl's smaller own. "He is my dearest friend and will bring no harm to you, I promise. You will not have to go back to 'them'. You are safe here...."

227 words.

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