A New Place of Safety

Despite being by himself, he could at least have a little fun. The toy was hard and made for good chewing. Sticks were great to chew on, but if they were too small they would break and he would always have nasty bark in his mouth afterwords. The wooden toy on the other had, wasn't so easy to break and it didn't leave disgusting peices in his mouth. Kohaku growled as he chewed eagerly on the toy. It was soon coated with his slobber and only made the toy more fun. The tiny male's tail thumped eagerly against the ground and bat the toy away so that he could chase after it.

Kohaku lunged at the rolling toy with as much enthusiasm as a puppy could muster. Kohaku rolled over his oversized feet as he landed and scrambled back towards the toy. He let out a tiny howl as he pounced and renewed his overenthusiastic chewing. Kohaku only paused when Amy came into the room. His puppy eyes looked at her and waited to be reprimanded. After all, that's all she ever did. She yelled at him all the time and called him nasty names.

Instead of getting in trouble like he had expected too, Amy simply sat down and watched him. Kohaku renewed his play with extra vigor and ended up running across the room several times as he continued to bat the toy away in a mock chase. A strange bark alerted Kohaku to Amy's change in demenor and he looked up with a slightly cocked head, wondering why she was interrupting his playtime. The boy sat down and confusion riddled his features. He understood that Amy was ready to play and wanted to join in on his game, but he wasn't sure if he liked Amy enough to really play with her. Kohaku tentativly looked back at his toy before glancing back at the dog. At last, the pup decided it was better to play with a monster than by himself.

With quick actions Kohaku grabbed the wooden object and strolled over to Amy where he dipped into a play bow. The colorful wolf bounced back and forth and gave a playful growl.

Word Count → 000

Razy Table.

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