[M] Not how the gods intended.
wc: 478

An angry growl rumbled in Coli's throat as he laughed at her, mocking and ominous. Her bluff had failed outright. She felt an immediate loathing for him, this bully, preying on weak females that could not defend themselves. Unfortunately, she fell under that category; the one time she did not have poison on her was the one time she met scum who deserved it. Her wildly racing thoughts tracked possible escape routes; she could try to wade into the lake, but he was taller than her in this form, he would catch her faster than she could swim away. Plus, it would be far too easy for him to grab her mane and drown her, a fate she would rather not risk. Running past him for the treeline seemed like the only option other than fighting him outright, but he was obviously stronger than her, and a sick feeling of dread began to settle over her, cold seeping into her very bones. There was nothing she could do. The border of her pack was within her sight, and there was nothing she could do.

In the blink of an eye, the black dog closed the distance, cruelly grasping her wrist with his claws. She inhaled with a hiss, shock coalescing into rage in her electric-blue gaze. How dare he! She hated being touched, and his warm grip repulsed her, making her stiffen upright. He loomed over her, voice thick with the smug satisfaction of a man getting exactly what he wanted. She knew he was trying to intimidate her into submission, and hated that it was working; she did not want pain, did not want to be abused again, did not want to even look at this awful male. She leaned as far away from him as his tight grip would allow, baring her fangs in a helpless grimace as he whispered his twisted desire in her ear, ran his teeth along her bare neck. A wave of nausea turned her stomach, and she almost vomited right then.

He was wrong about one assumption. Colibri Haki might not be experienced in the ways of pleasuring males, but she had lost her maidenhood against her will when she was young, and those painful repressed memories were bubbling back to the surface of her mind, filling her with a horror-induced adrenaline. Suddenly desperate with the need to escape, her fangs flashed, snapping and scratching wildly at the dog's hands as she bulled forward. All she could hear was the thundering of her heartbeat as she broke free, scrabbling against the ground in an attempt to flee. Home was so close, and if she could just put a little distance between them, she could scream for help, and this horrible brute would get exactly what was coming to him. RUN, her mind screamed, or he'll break you the way Haku did! RUN!


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