[M]You really got a hold on me.
Word Count :: 380 OOC: mrrrrrrr

He burst out laughing as he saw her take on the wave and turned and splashed him. He did not evade this time and held up his hands to keep the water out of his eyes. It seemed that it was a good thing too as he heard the woman speak and he was at full alarm. Looking her way she was holding herself and his heart raced to his throat as she spoke. then she just lay there and he hurried to get to the woman’s side before she could fall beneath the water. He held her gently and saw her ribs and felt sick. Oh he should have known better! He took her into his arms and waded back out of the water. Careful as to not hurt the poor woman before laying her down.

He went to work knowing full well it was best to do this with her unconscious and waking up with a dull pain than being awake for the sharp one, though it would undoubtedly awaken her. He pressed on her abdomen where her rips jutted out, putting them in place once more. They were not fully healed and he should have known that. Holding her up he began wrapping the bandage around the woman to keep the ribs in place. It would have to be changed again later because of her wet body. He was as gentle as he could be berating himself the whole time in his head. Stupid stupid love sick pup thinking she was going to be all right.

“I’m so sorry Drin, I should have been more careful. Are you ok? I think that your ribs still need to mend a little more before any strenuous activites...”

That thought went straight to mating. Mostly due to her alluring scent, but other things, like seeing her in his arms, the beautiful woman he loved laying there. He wasn’t tempted right now but the thought popped in his head. He moved his hand to get the hair out of her eyes that had flopped over them when he made a mad rush to get her out of the water. Safe now and bandaged again he looked at her for any signs of shock or trauma.

Photo courtesy of Genista

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